>> ./mks_portfolio --projects

Matheus K. Schaefer

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Here is a non-exhaustive list of projects I worked on. I'll subdivide the list in 3 parts: the first, personal projects that are open-sourced; the second, proprietary ones and then some closed-source projects of my own.

My own open-source projects


SuperBasicMusicPlayer, or SBMP, is an extremely simplistic music player made for Unix-like systems I made over a weekend out of boredom.

Check it here.


This project is a data structures library with support for stacks, queues and doubly-linked lists. This serves as a guide for other projects of mine that needs some list support. However, none of the data structures supported are contiguous in memory, so they are slower than other, contiguous implementations.

You can check it out here: Bitbucket (under LGPL v3)


SpaceCrap is a shoot-em-up video game series I worked on (and plan to continue). I started it as a joke (hence the name) but have actual gameplay inspired by games such as Star Soldier and 1943: The Battle of Midway.

Check it here.


RallyCrap was my first attempt at making a game without a game engine. It's project written in C++ with SDL2 and Qt framework. It's a simple car "game" with no gameplay content, and the only purpose of this project is learning, setting a pavement for other projects such as SpaceCrap. The game itself uses SDL2, with Qt being used in the "launcher". Unlike SpaceCrap series, which were written in C, RallyCrap was written in object-oriented C++. It features soundtrack and collision checking with track boundaries.

You can check it out here: Bitbucket (under GPLv3)

Proprietary Projects

These projects are under NDA so I can't give further information.


Vulcano was a web-based business management tool written in C# (Asp.NET Core) made to help wholesale retailers with day-to-day business activities including, but not limited to, inventory and fiscal management. I was tasked with inventory submodules, API construction and testing.

The work was for Splora Tecnologia between 2017 and 2018.

Sensum's ERP systems

Supremo is a desktop-based business management tool written in C# (WinForms) made with a wider audience in mind (but a lot of modules focused around manufacturing and retail). I was tasked with inventory, transport and reporting submodules, with general maintenance on fiscal and manufacturing submodules as well.

I worked for Sensum for a year between 2019 and 2020.

Time to Fix

Time to Fix is a business management tool written in TypeScript (with React) focused on automotive repair shops. It includes scheduling and management of cars undergoing maintenance. I worked there briefly, mostly dealing with a report generation tool and general bugfixes.

You can check it out here. I worked on it in 2021.

My own closed-source projects

These projects are WIP and/or not available publicly yet. Come back another time to check current status.

Project Rockport

Project Rockport is a WIP project that includes a racing simulation-focused game engine and a racing game.

It's currently a personal, proprietary project but, when the day to make it public comes, it'll be probably open-sourced under a copyleft license. In the meanwhile, you can check some extra information here.

>> ./copyright

Copyright (C) Matheus Klein Schaefer. Todos os direitos reservados.