>> ./mks_portfolio -p --spacecrap

Matheus K. Schaefer

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SpaceCrap is a series, with 2 games released so far. Both follow the premise of a below-standard spaceship having to fight powerful enemies.


The first title. SpaceCrap was my first "full" 2D game, written in C with SDL2. It was based on a series of tutorials made by Parallel Realities. It's a pretty good tutorial and teaches you how to build an entire game with lots of features, including hi-scores. Despite being based on existing code, it was heavily modified, with two levels and intermission screens.

It's a shoot-em-up game where you must bring your defective ship, SpaceCrap, to a place in order to have it fixed. However, you meet some space pirates on the way and you have to eliminate them in order to proceed.

I no longer work with this particular one.

Repository Bitbucket
Licence GNU GPLv3 (based on a GPLv2 code)
Status Unsupported

Screenshot of the the first SpaceCrap

SpaceCrap 2

SpaceCrap 2 is a simple game that I made, this time written in C using raylib. This is my first attempt at making a game in 3D without using any full-blown game engine such as Unity/Unreal/Godot. Unlike the first game, which was based on an existing game, SpaceCrap 2 was entirely written from scratch (and trial-and-error, as I was then exploring unknown territories with 3D).

The game only has one level, which is a boss battle. The player's ship now have 3 weapons and the enemy ship have 2 but one of them causes insta-death upon contact. SpaceCrap 2 also includes health and shield systems. The plot is a follow-up of the previous game.

This game no longer works, since it requires an outdated raylib version. I plan to update it soon.

Repository Bitbucket
Licence GNU GPLv3
Status Outdated (update coming soon)

Screenshot of the second SpaceCrap

SpaceCrap Remake

SpaceCrap Remake is a total remake I'm planning to work on after the update on SpaceCrap 2 is done.

I plan to re-tell the story from the first game and merge the boss battle of the second game into a single-player browser game. I also plan to use pattern-based bullet hell gameplay similar to Touhou games.

Unfortunately, I have no plans for a release date at the moment.

Status Pre-production

>> ./copyright

Copyright (C) Matheus Klein Schaefer. Todos os direitos reservados.