>> ./mks_portfolio -p --rockport

Matheus K. Schaefer

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Project Rockport

Project Rockport is my most ambitious project. The goal is to make a racing simulation-focused game engine (with a game to showcase it). Architecture-wise, it's still in it's infancy, with the rendering engine being re-written. The chosen language is C with plug-ins written in Lua.

Originally, the graphics engine used OpenGL 4.1 but now I'm moving towards the use of WGPU-native because it offers a modern API without exposing "bare metal" stuff (unlike Vulkan and DX12). There's also SDL's GPU API which may (or may not) come soon and I also want to check it out.

Some utility modules are complete. The math module is publicly available under the MPL license.

I plan to make a 3D audio engine using either miniaudio or OpenAL-Soft.

When it comes to physics, that's a gigantic beast to beat down, and pose a much bigger challenge than the graphics, specially when it comes to simulating cars. That's a lot to study. The plan is to make something from the ground up but if needed I'll use Open Dynamics Engine or something similar to help me.

Project Rockport is a codename. I have no idea for a final name at the moment. Why Rockport? It's a reference to another famous racing game (however the projects are not similar in scope).

There's nothing new to show up, but I have a screenshot from an earlier version, back when it still used OpenGL and used an unfinished PBR pipeline (that's why it looks so weird). The screenshot is down below -- ignore the gun, it was for testing 3D model loading:

Screenshot of the Project Rockport when it was using OpenGL

>> ./copyright

Copyright (C) Matheus Klein Schaefer. Todos os direitos reservados.